Every year, we will all gather together for house visiting, collecting 红包 和 赌牌 without fail!This year is not exceptional as well. 我非常enjoy this gathering, the house is always full of laughter and shouting. As time goes by, our frens are turning from single to married and this year, we have two couples getting married soon! Congratulations!!
Every year, we will all gather together for house visiting, collecting 红包 和 赌牌 without fail!This year is not exceptional as well. 我非常enjoy this gathering, the house is always full of laughter and shouting. As time goes by, our frens are turning from single to married and this year, we have two couples getting married soon! Congratulations!!
My Lovely Sister Meiyue & Bernard
My blosom Yuqin & Wicky
Our First Destination: Nat's house!
Conclusion:- I realise my head is getting BIGGER, Oh dear!! It's time to change my hairstyle!
I love posing! wahahhaha!!
Ambassador for Yeo's!